Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Simple Warm Hat

I decided that in this week of talking about dressing for the cold, each of our preschoolers would have the opportunity to sew themselves a warm hat.  I was happy to find such a simple process for this.  It goes like this:

1. Cut a strip of fleece about 12-14 inches wide.

2. Measure around the kid's head to see how big to cut it.

3. Let the kid sew the two ends together, to make a tube shape.

4. Put the tube on the kid's head, and hold where the top of the hat should fit with your hand.

5. Cut the fringe on top by simply cutting 1/2 inch strips all the way around (about 3-4 inches down from the top). I did this by holding with my hand where the top of the kid's head came, and cutting one line from the top to that point.  Then, laying it flat to cut the rest of the fringes.

6. Tie off the fringe with a strip of fleece.  The kids learned to criss-cross, then dip through the loop, then pull it tight.

7. Place on the head of your adorable child and watch for the glimmer of pride to shine through their eyes.

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