Friday, October 12, 2012

Frosty Art Choice

At Green Apple Garden, we do drop-off outside, whenever possible.  We also stay outside until snack (when it's too cold to eat outside).  This means our science and art choices are outside.  In the warm months, this is pretty straightforward, but it is posing a challenge in these frosty mornings.  It's a new challenge to do a nature-based craft outside in the cold (and wet) morning.  This one was a easy, relaxed one.  The day before, I had watercolored a simple nature scene.  Taking the dried painting out to the table, the kids collected beautiful leaves, and placed them and replaced them in various positions on the scene.  It's wonderful, in moments like these, to just watch those wheels turning, like the colors of fall.

1 comment:

  1. I love this! Such a creative idea for a project, Katie.
