First, I give thanks to the parents, who trust us with the care of their children -- no small task!
I give thanks for the precious little lives I get to spend my days with.
I give thanks to their lively little minds that bring me cheer, laughter, and wonderment.
I give thanks for the expressions on their faces that tell whole stories.
I give thanks for the noises they make, loud and soft, verbal and nonverbal.
I give thanks for the challenges I face: opportunities to grow.
I give thanks for the perspective they bring to my life. Seeing through their eyes is colorful!
I give thanks for small hands that appear in my big hand.
I give thanks for the cuddles and hugs, my "blankets."
I give thanks for the way these small people can move in big ways.
I give thanks for the chance to witness how they use their creative minds.
I give thanks for whole small bodies, crashing into mine (yes, even if I'm surprised).
I give thanks for little bodies who end up in my arms.
I give thanks for outdoor space, and our commitment to spend time there.
I give thanks for my coworkers, who speak with love in their voices.
I give thanks for my coworkers' creativity and love of imagination.
I give thanks for the respect I see for children where I work.
I give thanks for mittens and hats and snow suits that keep these little bodies warm.
I give thanks for healthful food that is devoured by these little mouths.
I give thanks for the community that has developed here.
I give thanks for work that welcomes me and my child together.
I give thanks for work.
I give thanks for the opportunity to give my gifts in a meaningful way.
I give thanks for the chance to learn every day.
I give thanks that this tender beginning of life is there for me to witness and be actively present in, even as I watch my own kids grow past it.